> Choose 4 of these questions. For each of them , write a 40-45 word response describing your personal opinions on the topic.
> Total number of words: 150 - 200 aprox.
> Leave comments on 3 of your classmates' posts + a comment on my sample post.
> Leave comments on 3 of your classmates' posts + a comment on my sample post.
What is
your opinion about legalizing guns?
What is
your opinion about nuclear power?
What is
your opinion about immigration?
What is
your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?
What is
your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?
What is
your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
What is
your opinion about climate change?
What is
your opinion about cloning?
What is
your opinion about recycling?
What is
your opinion about animal testing?
What is
your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?
I think (that) they are a good device because we can communicate with people easily.
On the other hand, a bad aspect is that they produce radiation which can
provoke cancer and some other illnesses.
In my opinion, the use of cell phones should be regulated especially in public
places such as schools, hospitals, etc..
But in general terms, These gadgets are a great technological means of
What is your opinion about women in the military?
I don't have any problems with women being part of the military forces. I think that each person is free to choose what they want to do with their lives. Maybe in my personal case, I wouldn't encourage my daughter to follow that kind of activity, but I wouldn't stop her either if she really thinks that is what she wants to do.
I agree with you because I think that women have the same abilities that men.
good points
I agree with you:)
I had not thought about women in the militar before, I support the idea that we can choose.
i completely agree with this phrase "each person is free to choose what they want to do with their lives"
I agree with you about Smartphones, but the devices can't provoke cancer, the radiation is very low and it was confirmed with a lot of studies...
I agree with you and I think maybe we should try to reduce the use of our phones in some moments.
I'm agree with you, especially with the cellular phone.
My mom did the militar service so I think that woman are free to decide.
you are right
It's so cute how you worry about your daughter safety and at the same time it's cool that you let her follow her dreams without opposition :)
cellphones are so useful, it's hard to leave them :(
I completely agree with you. In the first case i think that the use of cellphones may be regulated. In the other case i don't have any problems with the women in the military, because they have the right to choose.
Oh, i hope more fathers think what yoy think and let their childrens do whatever they want when they grow up. (talking about career)
in my case, I think we have to eliminate the military arm, and all the others armys, but it's my opinion, and if a woman wants to be militar, she should have the oportunity.
can you explain please!
Can you explain more please?
The comment must be longer and add an extra idea please
Im completly agree with you about the way that we use our phones, there are situations that is not appropiate to use it! Is disrespectful!
im agree with your opinion about the women in the military forces i think is a decision that everybody can make and nobody can be able to refuse it
Cellphones also confuse bees, so they cant find the way back home and get lost:'(... Why its to hard to leave them?!
we think the same,in adittion the cellphones are adictive,I can`t live without my cellphone D:
I'm completely agree with the topic of cellphones because its so hard leave them. I love that with the cellphones its so easy speak with my family :)
I agree with you with the topic of the military. Each person decide what they want to do, and i think that is adorable your preoccupation for you daughter :D
I agree with your opinion on women in the military, but I hope that when your daughter is of legal age, she can decide what she wants to be, regardless of whether she wants to be military or not :)
I agree with the cellphones, they are so usebul, but the same way addictive :o
I agree whith that we should regulate the use of cell phones, we must use it when it´s really necessary and try to prohibit of the children to enjoy the real life
I agree with your opinion about cellular phones, they can help us with a lot information and communication but they are so addictive too, but that's it's more our blame than of cellular phones
the cell phone are the future, in a short time they prepare our fried eggs haha
I agree and I like opinion about of cell phone and women in the military.
I agree with you opinion about the women in the military, i thing that all of us have the same opportunities.
I think the same about the women in the military forces.
I think the same about the women in the military forces.
Its true that the efect of cellphones (and the electromagnetic waves involved) isn't studied in depth.
Or probably the negative efects has been studied, but as the tobacco or some foods, they don't show the results for corporative reasons...
I think the same way about the cellphones should be regulated
I think the same, we have to regulate the use of cellphones to focus more and about women join the military I'm also agree, if they like the military, Why not let them to be part of that?
We think the same, in the topic about cellular phone a good solution for the regulated of the use of this is used a activity for create conversation between people.
I'm agree with you, the smart phones are very useful but we have to regulate their use because sometimes people get illness because of their excessive use.
About women in millitary I think the same, everyone is free to choose whatever they want and nobody should stop them.
I agree with you, everyone chooses what likes and wants to do with his life, if a woman likes the millitary, she can do it proudly.
yes,the smart phones cause cancer but also cause that the bees died.
I think same that you, actually the people have a obsession with the cell phones, and shortage real communication, and about the women in army I`m agree with you, the liberty is the first.
I agree with you Professor about the cell phones, they are very useful, but everyday we forgot than can produce hurt in the physical than mental, we lost the real commmunication .
I think the same about the cell phones should be more regulated, i think that this things consume us
I think the same about the women in the military, Because the women's have the same skills as the men (:
I like how you think, I agree with you that women being part of the military forces and I like that you respect the decision of womens who are interested in this
I also believe that phones are a great medium of communication and are very useful, but their point against is that they produce radiation :c
The thing that the electronic devices can provoke cancer with the radiation they emit, I am always worried about it, that scares me a lot :(
wooow i never think that the risk of have a cell phone in my hands XD i wont use a cellphone in my life (is a joke jaja but i will try to be Less dependent)
I think that women in the military are AMAZING!!! They prove that the women can do everything, in the same way that men. They are too strong and brave, physically and mentally ;)
I very much agree with your opinion on cell phones, I think they are technological advances that are very practical and good, but sometimes it consumes us too much. Such as not sharing at the table with the family to use the cell phone
i agree with your opinion about women in the military, i think the same,i didn't know how dangerous can be using a cell phone! now i'm gonna be careful about the time i use it
I agree completely. First, the cellular phones should be regulated, because people are depending on technology and the women in the military are a great contribution and it is the decision of each one.
Seeing your point about the women in the military forces, i'll not like if my daughter choose this line of life, but it's good to have the choice, choice that we don't had years ago.
I think that the use of phones is excessive. All people in the public transport are with the phone in the hand, looking it, and without see around them.
teacher, you have all the reason, the use of smartphones it's something dangerous ( CIA can be watching you anywhere), and they are so addictive xD.
i agree with your opinion, we are very influenced with our phones, and technological objects, we have so much dependence
The phones are a big tool in each day, those are calculators, lanterns, walkie talkies, a great video games, etc. But they make at the humanity very dependent of the technology :c
I agree with you about smart phones... They are very useful, specially because I get lost a lot. And when I need an answer for a question, just need two clicks to get a respond.
Teacher! Like you I consider that the cell phones facilitate us the communication with other people and also I would like to add that at the moment they are tools since we can download apps in them that are very useful
Hi professor!
I think your opinion about women involved in the military is very interesting, specially the part of you saying that you wouldn’t encourage your daughter to do that kind of activity but you would support her in the case that she really liked that activity, that’s really hilarious and sweet hahaha
I agree with your opinion about cellular phones Teacher! It is a good communitacion option but can to generate social problems with the dependence.
About the militaritation of women, I agree with you because I think that women have the same abilities that men.
I agree with you about cell phones.
They are important in own lifes but it generated dependence :(
I agree with you about cell phones, but I also think for some people means a lot, more than you can imagine.
the use of cell phones in excess es harmful , for the eyes and the brain
I completely agree with your opinion of women in the military!
In relation ith the cellphones I think the same, everyone of us must know that use is bad in some moments
I agree with you, the phone is a good method to communicate but should be used with responsibility.
i completly agree with you, without the phone what would we do??? is the best way of comunication
I agree with you, I think that cellphones are very nice, but their use should be regulated in such places.
And I think that everyone is free to do what they want with their lifes too.
The phones are a big tool in each day,but we have to use it carefully
I agree with you regarding the care of your daughter and I think we should all do what we like
Hi teacher. I also think that the use of phone should be regulated, they sometimes move us away from the people we have near.
I agree with you that there should be no problem for women to be in the military. If someone has a desire of that kind, they should not put problems for it
I completely agree with your second opinion, all women have the right to choose, and not only about their jobs or occupations, but with many aspects of their lives, like any other human being.
a very entertaining activity and also i completely agree with the opinion on cell phones with its advantages and disadvantages
I agree with you about cell phones, can be very very good but they need a regulation, can be very dangerous.
I agree, cellular phones are a great tool, but it depends on the situation and when we use it. The bluetooth of the cell phone produces the greatest radiation, if you sleep near with you cellular phone and the bluetooth is on the radiation will be really strong.
I am totally agree with second point, each person must choose what he/she wants.
I agree with you about cellular phones, besides i think is a good implement but a litle overestimate.
I agree, since each person is free to be and do what they want and should not explain to anyone what they want to do, but their decisions must be made consciously.
I think is very good that you support your daughter in any situation! and about the use of cellphones, i agree, it should be checked.
I completely agree with your opinion about the cellphones
I agree with you about the both themes, and i think the people sometimes use cellphones in a wrong way.
I try to reduce the use of my cell phone, but I can´t! :(
It would be very good to reduce cell phone use but we are almost addicted to it.
I agree with the idea of "each person is free to choose what they want to do with their lives" and for that reason we have to let men decide if they want to being part of the army too.
I think is great that you don´t stop your daughet if she want to do whatever she want (in this case military servise)
I like to do that things. I never write a blog but I think is good for learn about how give a opinion
I agree with your opinion about the cellular phones is a really good device for the comuncation, but these cause addiction and that is so really bad.
I am completly agree with your opinions because it is really important give the space to the woman to do everything she want no matther what.
I agree, the phones make communication very simple/easy and are also very useful to reach a location
I agree with you, cell phones contribute a lot, but also many times that people do not relate to each other
I completely agree with you. Cell phones are a good way to comunicate with others but also are bad for our body. And about women in the military, women have the same abilities that men so they can do the same things that them do, if they want to.
I agree with you with the cell phones teme, we can use them with caution
I agree with your opinion, I think that today most people depend on cell phones which is something we should avoid.
I completely agree with you, cellphones are useful but we should use them with responsibility. Sometimes we spend more time on our cellphones that in real life. Regards teacher!
I think the same about military women, they can do all types of activities without problems.
Hi teacher!
I totally agree with your opinions, i think all women have the right to choose, and not only about their jobs.
I agree with you.
The cellphones are a good way to have a communication, but we need to be careful and give it a good use.
A bad thing about cellphones is when people turn an addict to this.
I really like your opinión about military women, we can do all the activities
I agree with you, it is always good to support the people who you love.
i complety agree with you! men and women can do the same things.
good points.
I very much agree with your opinions.
I share your opinion that cell phones are communication, but at the same time we do not have culture to understand that they are also contamination and they become garbage, we should have better measures so that this does not happen, such as recycling
women should be able to take important positions in the military police
I agree with you opinion about women in military forces and with you opinion about your daughter.
It's great that you let your kids do what they want to do.
I agree with your opinion about cellphones, they are great but we shoudn't use it all the time.
I agree with you!
womans in military is totally acepptable.
see you in class
I completely agree with your points!
I agree with your opinion of the women in military
I think you're right!
I completly agree with your thoughts about cellphones
I completely agree! I think that everyone deserves to do whatever they want, it's time to stop judging others.
I completely agree with you, I think every person is free to choose
I agree with your opinion about cellpones but I have seen so much people addict!
I agree with you teacher with the topic of the phone, but fot the majority of the people is hard to leave them
I completly agree with you, womans obiously can be in the military, i just dont like military service haha.
I agree whith your point about the woman in military forces! fantstic opinion!
I agree with your opinion about women in the military, because we are owner of our lifes, so every person can do whatever he/she wants, and take the risk
I agree with you, but i think that the radiation in the phones it is only in one kind of type
I completely agree with your opinion about women in military forces, woman are able to do whatever they want :)
I agree that cell phone use should be regulated because it is a distraction for people.
i also think that each person is free to choose what they want to do with their lives so i agree with you
I completely agree with your opinion about women in the military because men and woman have the same rights.
I share your opinion with cellphones, because it's a good thing that we can communicate with people who are in, like, the other side of the world.
I completely agree with your opinion of mobile phones, but also it is a addictive device, so people didn't care much about the radiation
I agree that cell phones are a very good means of communication. We should only control the limit of its use.
I agree with your opinion about the cellular , i think it should be regularized their use especially in the new generations of children because they are more susceptible to depend on these devices.
I totally agree. Women can join the military if they want that career, they don´t have any limitation in that. Also, about the cellphones, is sad how a really revolutionary technology can be harmful, but we must use them wisely. See you the next class!
I agree that women form part of the army, because everyone has the right to do who they want in their lives and we must respect it
I agree with your opinion about cell phones, I think they are very useful, but provided they have some restrictions.
Very good arguments dear teacher, greetings!
Hi teacher, I completely agree with your opinions, specially about the cell phone, because make more easy and funny the life.
I agree with women being part of the military force, all should have the same opportunities to do what we want, regardless of gender.
Hello teacher, I agree with your opinion. I think the cellphone has been beneficial in the last time, it can help us with the mobile apps and make our life easier. We should educate about when use and when not use the phone.
I agree with you that women are in the military, doing what you want does not depend on sex, If not of the attitude
I completely agree on both opinions, especially about women's in the military. It is a very difficult world for us, the womens, but that doesn't imply that you can't be there just because you're a women.
I agree with you, because it's hard that job and you as her family let you daugther in that danger it's difficult.
I agree with u in all the opinions, women in military service take an important role as men, they can do the same job as them, there is no difference
I agree about the cell phones, but i can't live without it, it is a part of my life with cancer and all :9
Im agree about women in military service, they are free to choose what they want to do
We are dominated by cell phones!
wow i had never really think about womens in the military, i agree whit your point of view, everyone can do whatever they want whit their lives
I agree about controlling the cell phones use. Sometimes it's so hard to leave it.
I totally agree with you about cell phones because it’s a fact that they made our life so much easier
I agree with you about phones and that we should regulate the use, especially when we overuse them becuase they can be pretty dangerous.
I agree about women in the military, because the women have the same strenght and opportunities that the men...
I'm really glad that you think that professor, this is the new change of mind that we need.
I completely agree with your opinion !!
I'm agree with your opinion about both topics. I think it's very important to regulate our use of cell phones, all of us lose a lot of time using them daily.
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