What it is.
When you got it.
How you use it.
How often you use it.
Why you like it.
What life would be like without it.
- make comments on my post + 3 of your partners posts
- 160 words minimum.
- Include pictures.
My drum kit
I bought my drum kit in 2012. I remember that I spent a long time looking for the right kit for me. There were lots of options and it was hard to make the final decision.
These days I can't play as much as I want because my drum set is at home and it's difficult to find the time to play with family and kids. But at least once a week, I sit behind the drums and practice for about an hour. I also play the drums when I rehearse with my band, once a week, but I use a different kit.
I love music and everything which is related to it. I have a big collection of cds and I have an electric guitar too. But my drums are something special. For many years I was was looking for the right instrument for me and when I sat behind a drum set for the first time, I knew I had found it. I fell in love immediately.
I can not imagine myself without playing the drums. If I couldn't play, probably I would try another instrument, but it would be difficult to learn at this time of my life. Maybe I woud try singing too.
What aboot you guys?
Hi teacher!
Is important the time to play drum, because this exercise spend long time and availability.
I love that you favorite thing was an musical instrument because music is beautiful.
Hi teacher
I like so much your drum and i wanna play that but i think it's very difficult. And you have to practice a lot if you want to be a good musician.
hello :3 i wish i could play drums, but i got an appalling hand-feet coordination :(
I really like music too,I don't play any instrument, but a would like learn someday :)
it's great, play an instrument should be very entertaining, it requires a lot of dedication and obviously passion
Hi teacher :) I like music too, but I think I don't have the "musical talent" because I never learned to play an instrument, I tried but I just can't jaja, so I admire you for having the talent to play the drums!
Hi! your drum kit is awesome!!. also i have one, is a Sonor drum kit, but i can't play very well, maybe need a teacher jaja
Hi professor
I think that know play an musical instrument is very beautiful because music is a magnificent art, i dont know play a musical instrument but i like play one someday in my life :)
Hi teacher. I feel something similar with my violin,I can not imagine myself without playing the violin, without it, just have my piano and my voice, but it is not the same, each instrument is unique and different. I think the battery is one of the most complicated instruments, I tried to play drums but it is very difficult for me, however I learned quickly to play the violin and piano.
although you have another instrument, drumbs is a top 1 in your heart jajjaja.
i can't play a instrument, my rhythm is horrible :c
Hi professor, your drump kit is so big, i think it's so noisy! I hope you enjoy to play music, is nice have this talent...
Hi teacher, your drum is great! but i cant play any instrument, it's so hard :(
Hi teacher :) I like drums too! it is cool to be able to play it
I think the drum is really fun and a way to get out stress, i tried to play the drums but i think i dont have synchronization.
Hi teacher,
Is admirable your taste for music and it is great that plays drum kit! this is a cool instrument besides it helps to remove to stress.
Hi teacher, I like touch the drum, I feel it is an instrument that takes a long time and dedication as ir must be a little difficult learn to play and I too love music :)
Hi teacher, I like touch the drum, I feel it is an instrument that takes a long time and dedication as ir must be a little difficult learn to play and I too love music :)
Hi teacher:)
I think the drum is an incredible instrument, I would like to learn to play it someday, or maybe just try
It's amazing that my teacher plays the drums, once you discover and enjoy an instrument is impossible to stop playing (:
Fantastic! I only play the triangle ajajaja
Hi Teacher
It's great that you touch the drums, it is a good instrument
I always wanted to learn to do it but I have no rhythm to it :c
the only thing between me and play the drum it's the cost to afford one. however, keep doing it, you are great.
Oh! I would love to have a drum set, but I do not have space. I also love music, especially playing it. I have a bass guitar and I love it.
Hi teacher! I think that is really cool to have a teacher that play the drums haha :3
Oh! I think that is great that you play the drums, nice!
The drums are amazing and more if you play with the soul, the band is great.
I think and instrument is a really good thing, it lets you to share with friends or make new realtions, and develop skills. Keep playing !
i hope that someday i can hear you play the drums in the real life (like on a stage)
I'm going to steal these drums some day...
Just kidding, lol. Nice instrument! Your band are amazing.
I think it's beautiful how some people can connect themselves with music, because I believe music is a gift that not everyone know how to appreciate, you're lucky!
I played the clarinet and I missing so much, I would like to play the drums!
It is an amazing thing, I have a friend who have drums and she also was with the question of buy it, because it's too expensive. I hope to hear you playing the drums someday.
I still think that the teacher do always self promotion is fun. It's cool playing drums! It's not a common thing that everyone can do. Not me at least
I would like someday to learn to play drums but my great coordination doesn't allow me
Hi teacher! drums sound great in your band's music!. How long have you playing the drums?
good rhythm
Cool!My mother´s boyfriend play drums too! It´s a really good instrument!
I always want to play drums and god knows I tried but I have no musical ability jaja you do it awesome! and I really like your song :O I was singing like "LLEGÓ LA HORA DE ACTUAAAAR!!" lml jaja
Hi Teacher!
Interesting your hobby and I congratulate you on your great band.
I always asked teachers to teach me how to play drums :'C But my mom persevered to teach me piano.
I really like the song of your band, I think you should play the drums one day in class :D
I like this instrument, I would like play the drum kit but I don`t know :(
Hi! I like your passion for the drums. I think that this is an interesting hobby.
I like this post! This instrument is very interesting and I thing that is hard to touch
I love the music too, but I don't play not a single instrument :c
When I was a child I learn to play piano, but just for the holidays.
I like to hear the drums and the songs. You should play with your band in FAVET someday.
I love music! But i don't know play any instrument :( I think that never is too late for learn something new, so don´t give up!
I like it, I really like that you live with your music, is special... :)
I love the music at same that you and that you can play an instrument is fantastic
I think that playing the drumsis a great talent!.. but i can´t this is very difficult
I really like drums, I practiced once, but I never learned well. jajaja
I think that play music is very hard, specially the drum, it would be impossible for me, my coordination is terrible
Hi Teacher!
Your drum kit is beautiful! Also good music. What is the name of your band?
It's hard to play drums
Our teacher is only promoting his band!! haha
At least LPM sounds cool, clearly has a soul, instead actual chilean music who is very lame.
Hi teacher! How awesome that you can play the drums! It must require a lot of time to get good at it.
Also it's never too late to learn :)
I would like to play drums some day, but my coordination is not so good...
Hi teacher, if you playn drums you have a great coordination and talent , play any instrument it´s not easy. see you:)
I think is super cool that you can play the drums, my dad plays de drums too, he is not so good but at least try haha
when i was more young i dreaming to play the drums, but i dont have to much coordination
Hello! Wow! Professor you look so happy with your drums, really you love play this! I will like play some instrument, but I dont have music ability.
Hi teacher, I think it's amazing that you can play the drums. It it's a hard instrument and you may have a lot of skills. My favorite thing is a musical instument too!
i love drums, but it's too hard to learn how to play it haha
I love music instruments too haha, You see so happy with your drums.
It's a cool instrument that I could try to play
I listen the drums from little, my cousin play drums with his brother, he play electric guitar
Nice drums teacher! I like the music too! but I don't have talent for the instruments :c
Hi theacher! I love your post, I've always wanted to have a drum kit, but I don't have the space for save it and the acoustic conditions. It's very hard to learn?
Wow i notice that you really love music. I'm not very good for the music instrument but when i hear them, i like it.
I like the keyboard, and piano but take instrument isn't be my thing.
play the drums is very difficult,requires a lot of coordination, i admire people who know hahaha.
I play violin, and I understand the connection with an instrument, it is very important for me.
i don't like the instrument of music...:( because i never learn play anything... i try but i was bad for everything, even with the tambourine jsjsjsjs
I don`t know play any instrument, but I would like learn to play someone.
Hi teacher!
I was self tought in piano. I learn by listening to youtube songs and practicing.
i really want to play the drums but i haven t coordination whit my hands :c dkfhskd i share the love for the music too
I would like to learn to play drums, but always i said that's not for me, because today i do so many things. Years ago i was a piano player but i left it because i never had the time to practice. Perhaps one day i'll decide to learn this beautiful art of drums.
Hi teacher!
Sometimes it's hard to find a time to play and I understand :C
I like your zest for the music :)
You are nice, the drums is a cool instrument, I want to play any instrument, but I think that it's very difficult learn and have coordination for follow the rhythm.
Hi Professor!
I found really cool your love for the drum kit :) People that can play any kind of instrument are amazing. I can understand that family consume most of your time, but you can always find the right moment to play and consider inserting your children into that too! that would be really cute.
See you soon!
that interesting! i also really like the sound of the drum and the music. i would love to learn to play an istrument.
I like the drums, I remember when i was 11 years old, muy brother had one. It's so cool.
I really like music, I don't play very good any instrument, but I try to play the piano
i understand when you say that it's difficult find the moment and do it, a relax on the day, but always it is, just have to try, although some minutes
hi teacher
i think it is very nice to look for an istrument that you like a lot :)
i love the music instruments too but i can play it hahaha, is amazing your connection with the drums:)
the drum set is great,i treat play but never learn :(
Hi teacher! I never learned to play an instrument :( I think it´s very cool to be able to do it.
I envy your drums. I love drums too, I know plays drums but just a little, I can play For Whom The Bells Tolls of Metallica. jejeje
Teacher I love the music too!
it must be difficult to play a battery, it needs a lot of coordination!!
How great would it be to play an instrument :(
My favorite thing is the drum kit too
It's so cool to play the drums, being the rhythm of everyone jajaja
I want to buy a drum but i'm so poor
Hi! I think that you can sing with or without the drums.
hi! I believe that instrument are very cool.
really I would like learn to play an instrument, it takes a lot of coordination , I´m really impressed by your talente.
nice I would love to learn how play the drums, but i am super bad at it, felicitation for your talent.
Hi Teacher.
I would like to play the drums, it's an interesting and powerful instrument... I'm glad that you enjoy what you like even once a week. Regards!
the music is something very nice but very difficult to practice, i tried to play in violin but i realized how complicated it was
Hello teacher
The drums is a really good and difficult instrument , i would like to play the drums but I´am so clumsy for the instruments in general, I think that you can play another instrument if you want to try something diferent.
Woow!I always say that percussion instrument are the most difficult to play, because in the music the percussionist CAN´T be wrong,they take and direct the rhythm of the musical work O:
it is very difficult to learn to play the drums, it takes a lot of coordination and rhythm
Youre cool! I love music, I wish can play piano but I haven't one :(
I've always wanted to play the drums and i love you passion!
it's very interesting
I always wanted to play an instrument, but I think I was born without the talent, because when I wanted to play the guitar, I ended up playing it as bass. hahaha
hello teacher, I find your favorite object very entertaining, I would like to play the drum someday.
It must be great to know how to play the drums since it requires a lot of coordination and rhythm, it has the gift, I find that very few people can do it
hi teacher!
i can see that he loves his drums, i would have loved to know to play many instruments like drums
Ohh I love music, but I am very little artistic, I could never play an instrument, only in my dreams
I like drumbs too, I think you are a great compositor!
wow i really love the passion you give to music, especially to the drums, keep it up and you could end as a famous star
hi teacher
i think that your drum kit it's a pretty funny object i am really interested now maybe someday i will have one too.
it's good that you never stop playing some instrument
it's very cool that your favorite thing go accord with your favorite hobie, drums are very funny
i also love music and i played the guitar a few years ago
Hey teacher, I think that playing and instrument is a very beautiful talent, I play piano and I love it. Maybe we could play sometime.
hi teacher ,i wanted to know what your reaction was when your friends opened part of your liquor collection jajajja
Hi teacher!
Cool instrument. I always liked how someone can makes his/her own drumm kit, something unique. I hope that you soon have time to practice more, i would like to hear more music from your band. See you next week in class. bye!
I think you should tell us more about you liquor collection that you mention in class, anyways its a very nice history that you have with your drums, i like it.
Hi teacher!!
I love the fact that you are a rockstar teacher!, I really like drums, it's a cool instrument! I would like to hear more music of your band!and I hope you get time to practice soon! see you next class
Hello teacher! I think it's amazing that your favorite object is a instrument. The music is a way to express feeling. The drums should be a object very special... I think you should teach your children to play other instruments to form a family band and you will can play more often hahaha. Nice post!
that good instrument you chose, in some moment I too wanted to play the drums but my coordination is terrible.
I think it's amazing that you feel a love so big for your drum and for the music. I really hope you can have more rehearsal hours and you decide to sing.
Hi teacher
I would like have a drum too, but i don't have the space in my house to have it :(, still...
Eleven years playing the drum!, you must be an awesome drummer
I love how you feel about your drum kit, It's so emotional.
Wow, so impressive, play drums sounds difficult to me, I would like to hear the music of your band!
i thing is wonderfull can play an instrument, and be constant for so long as you, and the passion that you let see it's inspirating
It would be awesome to hear you playing!
Theacher is really amazing that you play the drums, success in the music!
it´s amazing that your play the drums, because it seems difficult but fun!
Professor, I´m your fan
the drumps are so cool! its a good thing omg
Hi teacher!
I think that is more important have hobbies.
It's amazing !! i love this.
I think that is amazing how much you like the drums! I would have liked to learn some instrument... bow I feel I don´t have time and no money :C
Hi teacher!
It shows a lot what your battery loves, I hope you can continue enjoying it for a long time and be happy!!!!
What pretty drums you have! I feel almost the some with my guitar
I think your favorite thing is so cool :)
Hi teacher! i would like to play drums in th future, i think that is a really cool instrument!
I think that it i so cool! at what age do you learned to play drums?
It was love at first sight with the drum kit!
Hi teacher that is really amazing!
Hi teacher that is really funny :)
Hi teacher, i think playing the drums is amazing, i remember how i wanted to do it when i was a child, but for some reasons i couldn't. I hope to learn how to play the drums one day.
His love of music is impressive, never stop playing drums!
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